Saturday, December 6, 2008


Wow, this game looks off the hook. Just imagining all the possibilities makes my brain orgasm. The concept is just so sweet. Check it out.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Big One-Oh...... Oh, Oh...

So going by the counter at the bottom of the blog, we have reached over 1000 unique visitors. Of course this includes people that might have viewed this through different IPs, but it's a landmark nonetheless. Sure, I don't really write here anymore, but that's okay. I've been busy with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and going out in general. I do have a lot to talk about, which I figure I will go into more detail in near-future posts, but I'll just give some quick ideas of what's to come.

-Left 4 Dead is amazing, get it and you'll have tons of fun. It might not be a game that you can build competitive gaming out of, or a game you can play for hours straight everyday, but it will certainly provide much needed breaks occasionally while refusing to be too stale. The campaigns are difficult enough at expert, and the entire feel of the game is almost-perfect.

-Weison and I noticed a lot about guy's sections in stores in Manhattan while aimlessly following around members of the other gender in their quest for fuller wardrobes. Mind you, there's a difference between the Men's section, and the Guy's section.

-Fallout 3 is amazing, and a must-get. While I may not have had much time to play it, I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and is one of the few single-player games I really enjoyed.

-WoW:WotLK shatters 24-hour sales record, selling 2.8 million copies in its first 24 hours of release... the previous record holder was WoW:TBC, with just under 2.4 million copies...

For now I must return to my schoolwork.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My God I'm Jealous

Diablo 3... playable at BlizzCon? Oh god how much I wish I were going to BlizzCon...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Been a while.

And yet here I am posting again. There's quite a bit of things I could take about. I have not been gaming much recently since school started. Mostly just Call of Duty 4. You can support my CAL team by idling #ascend on and visiting (advertising hell yeah). The COD4 competitive scene may be dying soon. COD5 is just around the corner, with the possibility of all the teams migrating to that. CAL has also recently started up a COD1 tournament, with 80 teams signed up ready to go. Perhaps they will revive the CAL COD1 league.

I bought myself a copy of Spore when it came out. Lots of news about the DRM that EA used, including over 2,000 1-star reviews on Amazon. My thoughts? EA is just hurting the customers who would actually buy the game. It's too easy to bust through any sort of anti-pirating software on games and really is a pain in the ass. They limited the amount of times you can install the game to 3, which by their statistics may be somewhat reasonable, but it's the thought that counts. I know people who have installed the game on three computers already, their laptop, home desktop, and sibling's computer too. Now they're screwed. Way to go. As for the actual game, I found it enjoyable. The editors really are the most amazing part. There's a LOT of customization, although truthfully less than I originally imagined. Don't think it's hurt because of it though, there's still so much you can do. The building editor isn't as fun as the creature editor, and doesn't play a big part. The tribal and civilization phases are the weakest links too. The cell, creature, and the vast space phase are the best by far. Space does become repetitive after a while though, I got bored when I got the mission to find the Grox (They're so FAAAAAAAR). Overall I'd say get the game when it's cheaper (if you haven't already gone and pirated it).

I haven't forgotten about Warhammer Online, a game I highly anticipated before. I participated in the beta, and it was really fun. Comparing it to my experiences in WoW, I'd have to see I might enjoy WAR more. It feels much more immersible, with more to do at any given time than WoW. You can also join in RvR Scenarios at lvl 1 (although you may not be very useful). Public Quests are a great idea, and having area markers for where you can complete your quests saves me large headaches from searching around aimlessly. I really loved my black orc, and would have loved to RvR more with him. However due to schoolwork, friends, and finally going to all my classes, I do not have the time or energy to play WAR at a pace I would want to. That said, perhaps in the future I will change my mind if my workload lightens. If you love MMO and you liked WoW before or you are new to the MMO scene, I definitely would suggest checking out WAR.

Some random tidbits of gaming news I have heard scattered around:
Diablo 3 may be coming out before Starcraft 2
Starcraft 2 is "on schedule for a 2009 release"
Watch for Left 4 Dead, I'm really hoping it's going to be good
Fallout 3 coming out soon too, another home-run from Betheseda? I think so
Call of Duty 5 has confirmed Co-op Multiplayer, hell yeah!
Call of Duty 6 already "confirmed" from Infinity Ward (set in the future?)

That's all for now.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mirror's Edge

Check it out, it looks amazing.

Mirror's Edge

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's here

if you don't know what "it" is then shame on you!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Marvel vs Capcom... a new competitor?

So I know we all played Mortal Kombat some time in our youths, admiring the blood bath and mindless gore as adults cowered in horror as to what our eyes were being revealed to. It was very influential in bringing the gibs n guts we love to see in games today. Since then Mortal Kombat has come a long way, and now MK is getting new faces mixed into the bunch.

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The World's Hardest Game

The lack of updates is due to my laziness. Yep.

Here's a game that I found through Digg. I got up to I think level 7 with 7 deaths on my first try. Have fun :D

World's Hardest Game

Monday, April 7, 2008

TFU Experience!

So as a follow up on Weison's previous post about a little glimpse at Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, here's a sweet video about it.

Awesome, it is. Play it, you will.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Warhammer Online

So you've played WoW and have gotten sick of it because of the pvp imbalances, right? I'm sure at least 50% of you fall into that category. Well I've got some great news for you, Warhammer Online is shaping up to be your answer to PvP. In development by the studio EA Mythic, RvR (Realm vs Realm) as it's called in Warhammer Online (aka WAR Online) is set in the Warhammer Fantasy Universe created by Games Workshop decades ago. Similar to WoW there are two main factions, called Order and Destruction. Each faction has 3 races, each with 4 unique classes. How does this work you ask? Well each class falls under some sort of archetype.

The four archetypes are pretty much tank, melee dps, ranged dps, and support. Now, while each race may have a tank, the way the tanks play are quite different. For example, the Black Orc from the Greenskin army plays more defensively with cc abilities like knockdowns and slows, while something like the Chosen from the Chaos army is more damage and i believe buff orientated. Don't quote me on any of this guys, if you want hard details, go to their website. As for balance I'm sure you're thinking like "wtf, how u gonna balance teh 24 classes yo, omfg imba". Well, one of the main differences in my opinion is that WAR Online is being balanced around RvR. PvE is taking a backseat, while not being completely ignored. WoW on the other hand is a much more PvE orientated game, and gear contributes to a much larger "skill" level than many think it should be. EA Mythic has got some really great ideas from the Warhammer Universe that they're incorporating into the game.

Not only that, their RvR instanced and world scenarios seem pretty awesome. Considering these guys made DAoC, you can assume they have pretty solid experience in RvR. Some of the ideas they're putting in is sieges, keeps, changing environments, and even capturing opposing capital cities. There's also the fact they want to put some sort of collision detection between players into the game. As far as I know, no real details have been revealed, however this could create some pretty awesome strategies. Imagine, real defensive tanks are finally viable in PvP, being able to block doorways and possibly even set up formations. Now what about griefing? I think EA Mythic is planning to do something like have the collision detection last for about 3-5 seconds, after which players can move through other players. Kind of a bummer. Maybe they could do something where there is only collision detection between players of the opposite faction.

Now the entire Warhammer Online world will have pvp ongoing. Considering the fact that players will sort of level up together with opposing players set the scene up for pvp nonstop. Basically say the level 1-10 zones for the dwarves will be near the lvl 1-10 zones for the greenskins. A small portion of both the areas will be RvR enabled so they can already start PvPing. As you get to higher lvl areas, the amount of RvR areas will increase, and PvE areas will decrease.

Keeps are also a really sweet idea. Basically you can siege keeps (which are spread out between areas) and capture them. However only guilds can capture and claim keeps, but once you do the image and look of the keep will slowly change. For example, a Dwarven keep will be all majestic and stuff, but if Greenskins were to siege it and claim it, then the keep will slowly become all Waaagh!!!ed out with greenskin banners all over it.

Sieging capital cities will become available after you first take over the smaller zones I believe. The dungeons in an opposing faction's city will be come available to you with quests after you successfully take over the city. Also the hardest PvE encounter in the game is basically the kings of each city, which you get access to after you siege the city. That's sounds pretty frickin rad to me.

The RvR system that WAR Online will used is called Renown, kind of like the WAR Online equivalent to the Honor System in WoW (which mind you, is not the first MMO to have an honor system). You can gain Renown Ranks through RvR which will open up new gear and items for you. Also if you're one of the top 10 RvR players you will have a statue of your character erected in the capital city with your name under it, along with the statue of the overall RvR leader in the middle of the 10 statues. But that's not all, during your attacks on the opposing capital city you can also destroy the other faction's RvR statues.

Want more details? Check out the Warhammer Online video podcast put out by the EA Mythic guys, search for it in your iTunes podcast directory. Also you can check out the Warhammer Alliance forums, which is where I go to read up other people's opinions.

You can also already pre-order the game, along with the collector's edition. The CE is one of the better looking CE's out there in my opinion. You can check out what it contains here. As a former Warhammer 40k collector myself, the figurine is a pretty sweet thing to get. Also if you pre-order the CE, you can get access to the Open Beta when it comes out. Mind you, open beta for WAR Online isn't like most open betas - all it means is that the players who get into the Open Beta are allowed to talk about the game freely.

So that's my post on Warhammer Online. I'll probably talk about a few news items here and there in my posts, but you should definitely check it out. I know I've already pre-ordered the collector's edition (gg life).

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cent Sports

So my friend showed me a cool betting site called Cent Sports. Basically you get 10 free cents and you get to bet on sports games. if you lose the 10 cents, you can click on a button and get another free 10 cents. If you manage to get up to $10 then you can cash it out for 10 real dollars. Just started myself, click here to check it out.

Now that I'm done plugging that website, I just wanted to let you guys know I plan to be writing up a post on Warhammer Online for those of you too lazy to do research. Right now I've got to get back to work on my comp sci projects, as I have three due this week.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sonic isn't dead!

Holy shit!

Sonic Unleashed, looking at a November release date on the Wii. Man that looks hot.

edit: So it seems like the video was removed. Bummer. I wonder if this was the big announcement Nintendo planned to make at E3 O.O

edit: found a working link for the trailer. I plan to put up a big post on Warhammer Online once I finish some heavy workloads I have. :D

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alexander the Great

March Madness has overcome me,and I'm pretty excited for one main reason - Joe Alexander. #11 on the West Virginia Mountaineer's basketball team, he's a star player who has recently been on an incredible spur. They just upset Duke in the second round of the NCAA Tournament to proceed to the Sweet Sixteen to face off against Xavier on Thursday. Big, big game, and I can't wait to watch the next game. If you guy's didn't know, Alexander lived overseas for a large portion of his life, 5 years of which were spent in Beijing, China. He went to the same school as me (International School of Beijing) and in fact I remember running around the Holiday Inn Lido Hotel and ding-dong ditching with him in elementary school. This guy's a beast, I'm hoping for a final four run. WVU BABY!

Gaming has been kind of dull lately, really only playing a bit of the Call of Duty 4 Single Player Campaign. I never finished it, and now that I've played more of it I can really say it's pretty freakin' amazing. Just the atmosphere will blow you away, and you get placed in a huge variety of missions ranging from stealth sniping to aerial bombardment. If for some freakish reason you haven't at least tried this yet, you better get off your lazy ass and start.

To finish off, I want to talk about a lesser-known movie that I got the chance to watch over Spring Break in DC. It's called In Bruges, and it stars Colin Farrel, Brendan Gleeson, Ralph Fieness, and a few other great characters. I believe this is one of those film festival movies that never really get advertised or wide-spread, but I've got to say this is one amazing film. I find it's whole film-festival situation akin to Little Miss Sunshine, but that's about where the similarities end. In Bruges is a very clever, dark, and humorous film with plenty of blood and gore to appease the goosebumps. Don't let the seemingly lack of action get to you, this movie is more for it's dark humor than all-out action. Obviously avoid this only if you want a family-friendly movie full of light-hearted laughs.

I also felt like adding some gaming news. Some of the things I'm about to talk about might not be very new, but I feel like covering it real quick.

Starcraft 2 - So Blizzard has finally revealed the Zerg, and man do they seem awesome. That said, it looks like they'll have quite a significant change in play style, and quite possibly be the hardest race to master at first.

Grand Theft Auto IV - That link will bring you to the IGN Hands-On, which really just makes me feel like some giddy school girl after reading. Hot diggity-dog does GTAIV look amazing. *drool*. There's going to be multi-player too, which if implemented correctly could be totally killer.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Sony has announced that this game will be offered bundled with a PS3. I'm sure a large number of you just shat your pants. This is a huge deal, and will certainly boost sales of the PS3, which have been doing very good lately. That said, it does baffle me as to why Sony would announce this now, as it may kill the number of sales they make now on their PS3.

Other games to look out for in the future - Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, and Mario Kart Wii.

The status of the Playstation 3 is looking pretty good, which GTA IV and MGS 4 coming out this year. Not only that, they still have Resistance 2 and possibly Unchartered 2 some time in the future.

The Xbox 360 is looking fantastic, GTA IV is also coming out, along with more games to compliment every month or so: Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears of War 2, and Too Human. Shaping up to be a great year for 360 owners.

The Nintendo Wii looks like it COULD be in the worst shape, with Mario Kart Wii being the biggest title people are looking forward too. There's still Wii Fit, MySims, and a hopeful port of Spore that make the Wii still future-proof. Also Nintendo has stated they have a big announcement for E3. I'm sure a lot of us are wondering what it could be, as the big guns have already seemed to be used or announced (Zelda, Metroid Prime, Mario, SSB, Mario Kart). Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

There ya go, a nice lengthy post. Be sure to leave comments :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break Update

So I've been in Washington D.C. visiting the other half of DinGi, Weison. It's been pretty fun so far, with plenty of sightseeing and gaming. We've seen the amazing D.C. subway, which in terms of quality puts the NY Metro to shame. Similar to comparing Blizzard's games to the majority of EA games; EA may have variety, but it lacks the average quality. There's also the International Spy Museum, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and the National Museum of Natural History; pretty sick stuff, I definitely recommend the spy museum if you're ever in D.C.. I've also seen the Washington Monument and the White House, but I still have yet to join a protest and bring my own sign. We did see some of the snipers at the White House (that or some very random people on top of the roof). Black outfits just don't seem to blend very well.

As to the other activities we've been up to, gaming is still what takes our free time. I've picked up a couple new games, the main one being Synergy, a Half-Life 2 mod. If you've ever played Sven Co-op, it's pretty much the source equivalent of it. Fun as hell, with great co-op where you can play through HL2 or other custom maps with friends online. Another HL2 mod we've tried is Age of Chivalry, a good mod based on medieval combat but a bit slow paced. It's like an escalator, you love the free ride but if only it'd go faster. That said, every subway station in DC has an escalator to bring you up and down. Damn they got it good.

I'll update a bit more in a few days, there still some other games and movies I want to talk about.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So I managed to stumble upon this great trailer of Wall-E, the newest animated film to be coming out from Pixar I believe during the summer. I've been pretty excited about it since I first heard news about it. Here's the link for you guys to check out.

Wall-E Trailer

That said, there's another other huge blockbuster that I find myself watching the trailers in pure ecstasy. Here's a blog that's dedicated to it.

Iron Man

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Eve of SSBB...

Twas the night before Smash Bros, when all through the house
Everybody was stirring, heck even the mouse.
The controllers were hung by the Wii with care,
In hopes that Super Smash Bros soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their couch,
While talk of Snake and Sonic went out their mouths.
With wi-fi and friend's codes, we had images of fame,
We had settled our brains with hopes of hour-long games.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like McFox,
Tore open the shutters and ripped off the locks.

The moon on the breast of the glistening rain
Gave any poor chap walking alone a wet and cold pain.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But my friend's car, and and friend's with no fear.

With a reckless driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that it must be Nick.
More rapid than Falcos his coursers they came,
And he hooted, and wooted, and called them by name!

"Now Mario! now, Luigi! now, Bowser and Kirby!
On, Link! On, Falcon! on, on M.Knight and Yoshi!
To the top of the porch! down the living room hall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Wave Dash away all!"

As 100% Kirbies that before the wild tornado fly,
When they meet with a bo-bomb, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the players they flew,
With their hands full of games, and the little brother too.

And then, in a whirring, I turned on the Wii
Each of our eyes, sparkling with glee.
As I picked up my wii-mote, and chose the disc-play,
Everyone cheered, in huge disarray.

He was dressed red and blue, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all upgraded; ugly? everything else but.
A flaming fist he punched into the air,
And he looked like a plumber, leaping with flair.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his mustache how merry!
His nose was like a plumb, his hat a...


I was planning to finish the rest, but my project is what I really should be focusing on right now... and I can't think of descriptions for Mario very well. As you can tell it was a bad-effort at recreating Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore. Nevertheless, I tried. That's all that counts, right?

Some quick news, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword came out on the Nintendo DS. I have yet to try it but it looks like quite a lot of fun. Apparently it doesn't have the difficulty appeal like the big brother versions until you beat the game first. Everything except for dodge is stylus controlled, every button is pretty much dodge. Ninja Gaiden is played in the sideways book-style, which will be a first for me. I haven't yet tried a game in the book-style.

As for PC Gaming wise I've become quite out of the loop. I haven't been keeping up with my PC Gamer subscription or podcasts, and I haven't been playing many games. A tad of Team Fortress 2 is just about all that there's been the past month. My new DS Lite had taken over my life for a brief period of time, the main games being Pokemon Pearl, Nanostray, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings, and Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime. All great games in my opinion, although Nanostray is a bit short in my opinion.

That said, Starcraft 2 is still THE game I'm looking out for at the moment. The lack of more awesome announcements of the game is making me feel like I'm waiting for a health pack to spawn with only 1 hp, "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE ENDS MY KILLING STREAK!" or I guess it should be more along the lines of "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE CONTINUES MY DEATH STREAK!"

That's enough for now. I've got to get back to working and getting these projects done before deadline.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ninja update!

Stick around guys... I've had a couple requests to continue writing on this blog and I might just do it. DON'T TEMPT ME BECAUSE I REALLY MIGHT JUST DO IT...

But then again, SSBB might just steal my soul before I can recuperate and dish out some more servings of game-blogging goodness.

In a quicker update though, I have begun the creation of my own 2D game (also my first) coded in C++. Very simple game, I might keep you guys posted on the progress of that too. The current name of the game is MKG the Laser Eye Man and the Evil Corrupt Military Zombies... which is still subject to change.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mini Update 2: Force Unleashed

I've been in a sorta Star Warsy mood after playing a shitload of Lego Star Wars recently, and I've realized it's been forever since a proper Star Wars game came out. The Star Wars Universe has really accumulated a number of ridiculously good games on a whole different number of genres and platforms, just off the top of my head... Battlefront 2, Republic Commando, Kotor, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight, X-Wing etc.

Anyways there's a new Star Wars game in development called Force Unleashed. The focus is gonna be on using your force powers to f- things up which sounds like a pretty foolproof formula. I'm still not bought it looks an AWFULLY lot like Jedi Knight but i like the physical humor that's worked into the game.

see what i mean? It basically looks like all you do is be a complete asshole to a bunch of storm troopers. anyways it's coming out on.. basically everything i think, so i hope i can get to play it.

Mini Update: Soul Calibur 4

What's better than beating the shit out of people with swords? Beating the shit out of people with a lightsaber of course! My personal favorite button mashing game is gonna be back better than ever with the inclusion of DARTH VADER and YODA how tight is that?

Unfortunately I only have an xbox 360 so i might have to get it for that, even though fighting games are weak as hell on the 360 cuz of it's wonky controller. Oh well.