Monday, March 31, 2008

Cent Sports

So my friend showed me a cool betting site called Cent Sports. Basically you get 10 free cents and you get to bet on sports games. if you lose the 10 cents, you can click on a button and get another free 10 cents. If you manage to get up to $10 then you can cash it out for 10 real dollars. Just started myself, click here to check it out.

Now that I'm done plugging that website, I just wanted to let you guys know I plan to be writing up a post on Warhammer Online for those of you too lazy to do research. Right now I've got to get back to work on my comp sci projects, as I have three due this week.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sonic isn't dead!

Holy shit!

Sonic Unleashed, looking at a November release date on the Wii. Man that looks hot.

edit: So it seems like the video was removed. Bummer. I wonder if this was the big announcement Nintendo planned to make at E3 O.O

edit: found a working link for the trailer. I plan to put up a big post on Warhammer Online once I finish some heavy workloads I have. :D

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alexander the Great

March Madness has overcome me,and I'm pretty excited for one main reason - Joe Alexander. #11 on the West Virginia Mountaineer's basketball team, he's a star player who has recently been on an incredible spur. They just upset Duke in the second round of the NCAA Tournament to proceed to the Sweet Sixteen to face off against Xavier on Thursday. Big, big game, and I can't wait to watch the next game. If you guy's didn't know, Alexander lived overseas for a large portion of his life, 5 years of which were spent in Beijing, China. He went to the same school as me (International School of Beijing) and in fact I remember running around the Holiday Inn Lido Hotel and ding-dong ditching with him in elementary school. This guy's a beast, I'm hoping for a final four run. WVU BABY!

Gaming has been kind of dull lately, really only playing a bit of the Call of Duty 4 Single Player Campaign. I never finished it, and now that I've played more of it I can really say it's pretty freakin' amazing. Just the atmosphere will blow you away, and you get placed in a huge variety of missions ranging from stealth sniping to aerial bombardment. If for some freakish reason you haven't at least tried this yet, you better get off your lazy ass and start.

To finish off, I want to talk about a lesser-known movie that I got the chance to watch over Spring Break in DC. It's called In Bruges, and it stars Colin Farrel, Brendan Gleeson, Ralph Fieness, and a few other great characters. I believe this is one of those film festival movies that never really get advertised or wide-spread, but I've got to say this is one amazing film. I find it's whole film-festival situation akin to Little Miss Sunshine, but that's about where the similarities end. In Bruges is a very clever, dark, and humorous film with plenty of blood and gore to appease the goosebumps. Don't let the seemingly lack of action get to you, this movie is more for it's dark humor than all-out action. Obviously avoid this only if you want a family-friendly movie full of light-hearted laughs.

I also felt like adding some gaming news. Some of the things I'm about to talk about might not be very new, but I feel like covering it real quick.

Starcraft 2 - So Blizzard has finally revealed the Zerg, and man do they seem awesome. That said, it looks like they'll have quite a significant change in play style, and quite possibly be the hardest race to master at first.

Grand Theft Auto IV - That link will bring you to the IGN Hands-On, which really just makes me feel like some giddy school girl after reading. Hot diggity-dog does GTAIV look amazing. *drool*. There's going to be multi-player too, which if implemented correctly could be totally killer.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Sony has announced that this game will be offered bundled with a PS3. I'm sure a large number of you just shat your pants. This is a huge deal, and will certainly boost sales of the PS3, which have been doing very good lately. That said, it does baffle me as to why Sony would announce this now, as it may kill the number of sales they make now on their PS3.

Other games to look out for in the future - Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, and Mario Kart Wii.

The status of the Playstation 3 is looking pretty good, which GTA IV and MGS 4 coming out this year. Not only that, they still have Resistance 2 and possibly Unchartered 2 some time in the future.

The Xbox 360 is looking fantastic, GTA IV is also coming out, along with more games to compliment every month or so: Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears of War 2, and Too Human. Shaping up to be a great year for 360 owners.

The Nintendo Wii looks like it COULD be in the worst shape, with Mario Kart Wii being the biggest title people are looking forward too. There's still Wii Fit, MySims, and a hopeful port of Spore that make the Wii still future-proof. Also Nintendo has stated they have a big announcement for E3. I'm sure a lot of us are wondering what it could be, as the big guns have already seemed to be used or announced (Zelda, Metroid Prime, Mario, SSB, Mario Kart). Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

There ya go, a nice lengthy post. Be sure to leave comments :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break Update

So I've been in Washington D.C. visiting the other half of DinGi, Weison. It's been pretty fun so far, with plenty of sightseeing and gaming. We've seen the amazing D.C. subway, which in terms of quality puts the NY Metro to shame. Similar to comparing Blizzard's games to the majority of EA games; EA may have variety, but it lacks the average quality. There's also the International Spy Museum, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and the National Museum of Natural History; pretty sick stuff, I definitely recommend the spy museum if you're ever in D.C.. I've also seen the Washington Monument and the White House, but I still have yet to join a protest and bring my own sign. We did see some of the snipers at the White House (that or some very random people on top of the roof). Black outfits just don't seem to blend very well.

As to the other activities we've been up to, gaming is still what takes our free time. I've picked up a couple new games, the main one being Synergy, a Half-Life 2 mod. If you've ever played Sven Co-op, it's pretty much the source equivalent of it. Fun as hell, with great co-op where you can play through HL2 or other custom maps with friends online. Another HL2 mod we've tried is Age of Chivalry, a good mod based on medieval combat but a bit slow paced. It's like an escalator, you love the free ride but if only it'd go faster. That said, every subway station in DC has an escalator to bring you up and down. Damn they got it good.

I'll update a bit more in a few days, there still some other games and movies I want to talk about.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So I managed to stumble upon this great trailer of Wall-E, the newest animated film to be coming out from Pixar I believe during the summer. I've been pretty excited about it since I first heard news about it. Here's the link for you guys to check out.

Wall-E Trailer

That said, there's another other huge blockbuster that I find myself watching the trailers in pure ecstasy. Here's a blog that's dedicated to it.

Iron Man

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Eve of SSBB...

Twas the night before Smash Bros, when all through the house
Everybody was stirring, heck even the mouse.
The controllers were hung by the Wii with care,
In hopes that Super Smash Bros soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their couch,
While talk of Snake and Sonic went out their mouths.
With wi-fi and friend's codes, we had images of fame,
We had settled our brains with hopes of hour-long games.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like McFox,
Tore open the shutters and ripped off the locks.

The moon on the breast of the glistening rain
Gave any poor chap walking alone a wet and cold pain.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But my friend's car, and and friend's with no fear.

With a reckless driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that it must be Nick.
More rapid than Falcos his coursers they came,
And he hooted, and wooted, and called them by name!

"Now Mario! now, Luigi! now, Bowser and Kirby!
On, Link! On, Falcon! on, on M.Knight and Yoshi!
To the top of the porch! down the living room hall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Wave Dash away all!"

As 100% Kirbies that before the wild tornado fly,
When they meet with a bo-bomb, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the players they flew,
With their hands full of games, and the little brother too.

And then, in a whirring, I turned on the Wii
Each of our eyes, sparkling with glee.
As I picked up my wii-mote, and chose the disc-play,
Everyone cheered, in huge disarray.

He was dressed red and blue, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all upgraded; ugly? everything else but.
A flaming fist he punched into the air,
And he looked like a plumber, leaping with flair.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his mustache how merry!
His nose was like a plumb, his hat a...


I was planning to finish the rest, but my project is what I really should be focusing on right now... and I can't think of descriptions for Mario very well. As you can tell it was a bad-effort at recreating Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore. Nevertheless, I tried. That's all that counts, right?

Some quick news, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword came out on the Nintendo DS. I have yet to try it but it looks like quite a lot of fun. Apparently it doesn't have the difficulty appeal like the big brother versions until you beat the game first. Everything except for dodge is stylus controlled, every button is pretty much dodge. Ninja Gaiden is played in the sideways book-style, which will be a first for me. I haven't yet tried a game in the book-style.

As for PC Gaming wise I've become quite out of the loop. I haven't been keeping up with my PC Gamer subscription or podcasts, and I haven't been playing many games. A tad of Team Fortress 2 is just about all that there's been the past month. My new DS Lite had taken over my life for a brief period of time, the main games being Pokemon Pearl, Nanostray, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings, and Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime. All great games in my opinion, although Nanostray is a bit short in my opinion.

That said, Starcraft 2 is still THE game I'm looking out for at the moment. The lack of more awesome announcements of the game is making me feel like I'm waiting for a health pack to spawn with only 1 hp, "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE ENDS MY KILLING STREAK!" or I guess it should be more along the lines of "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE CONTINUES MY DEATH STREAK!"

That's enough for now. I've got to get back to working and getting these projects done before deadline.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ninja update!

Stick around guys... I've had a couple requests to continue writing on this blog and I might just do it. DON'T TEMPT ME BECAUSE I REALLY MIGHT JUST DO IT...

But then again, SSBB might just steal my soul before I can recuperate and dish out some more servings of game-blogging goodness.

In a quicker update though, I have begun the creation of my own 2D game (also my first) coded in C++. Very simple game, I might keep you guys posted on the progress of that too. The current name of the game is MKG the Laser Eye Man and the Evil Corrupt Military Zombies... which is still subject to change.