Tuesday, January 27, 2009

getting older?

Is everyone else finding less time for gaming? Don't get me wrong, I still want to, and I still do, but I just don't do as much of it. Other things are starting to appear whether it be for better or worse. I have gotten through a good chunk of Fallout 3 (which is still amazing) and am eagerly awaiting my completion of it so I can move onto the other games I'm waiting to play (GTAIV, PoP, The Witcher, to name a few).

Did you know Left 4 Dead has a CAL League? It's about to start up its first season. Pretty crazy considering it's primarily a co-op game. The versus is going to be super intense, and I foresee any single mistake being a huge factor in score. Survivors still have the upper hand IMO. I would get into the league (I was invited to participate in a team with some guys I used to play TF2 with) but other commitments have stopped me. Not that I want to stop those commitments just to play.

There are plenty of mods coming out for Left 4 Dead that change the game play, such as one that makes the game more of a survival-horror game by making it more "realistic" (in whatever way one goes about doing that in a "zombie" game...) Custom maps have also been done, such as some of TF2's maps. You can see some game play footage on youtube.

What games to look out for on the horizon? I honestly don't really know. I haven't been following the industry as closely as I used to, and no big titles have jumped out at me. A few I have noticed though are Street Fighter IV (unfortunately I'm not big into fighters), Final Fantasy Dissidia for the PSP, and still Scribblenauts for the DS. Oh, and Dawn of War II is looking pretty sick (TYRANIDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!)