Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mini Update 2: Force Unleashed

I've been in a sorta Star Warsy mood after playing a shitload of Lego Star Wars recently, and I've realized it's been forever since a proper Star Wars game came out. The Star Wars Universe has really accumulated a number of ridiculously good games on a whole different number of genres and platforms, just off the top of my head... Battlefront 2, Republic Commando, Kotor, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight, X-Wing etc.

Anyways there's a new Star Wars game in development called Force Unleashed. The focus is gonna be on using your force powers to f- things up which sounds like a pretty foolproof formula. I'm still not bought it looks an AWFULLY lot like Jedi Knight but i like the physical humor that's worked into the game.

see what i mean? It basically looks like all you do is be a complete asshole to a bunch of storm troopers. anyways it's coming out on.. basically everything i think, so i hope i can get to play it.

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