Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Eve of SSBB...

Twas the night before Smash Bros, when all through the house
Everybody was stirring, heck even the mouse.
The controllers were hung by the Wii with care,
In hopes that Super Smash Bros soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their couch,
While talk of Snake and Sonic went out their mouths.
With wi-fi and friend's codes, we had images of fame,
We had settled our brains with hopes of hour-long games.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like McFox,
Tore open the shutters and ripped off the locks.

The moon on the breast of the glistening rain
Gave any poor chap walking alone a wet and cold pain.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But my friend's car, and and friend's with no fear.

With a reckless driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that it must be Nick.
More rapid than Falcos his coursers they came,
And he hooted, and wooted, and called them by name!

"Now Mario! now, Luigi! now, Bowser and Kirby!
On, Link! On, Falcon! on, on M.Knight and Yoshi!
To the top of the porch! down the living room hall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Wave Dash away all!"

As 100% Kirbies that before the wild tornado fly,
When they meet with a bo-bomb, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the players they flew,
With their hands full of games, and the little brother too.

And then, in a whirring, I turned on the Wii
Each of our eyes, sparkling with glee.
As I picked up my wii-mote, and chose the disc-play,
Everyone cheered, in huge disarray.

He was dressed red and blue, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all upgraded; ugly? everything else but.
A flaming fist he punched into the air,
And he looked like a plumber, leaping with flair.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his mustache how merry!
His nose was like a plumb, his hat a...


I was planning to finish the rest, but my project is what I really should be focusing on right now... and I can't think of descriptions for Mario very well. As you can tell it was a bad-effort at recreating Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore. Nevertheless, I tried. That's all that counts, right?

Some quick news, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword came out on the Nintendo DS. I have yet to try it but it looks like quite a lot of fun. Apparently it doesn't have the difficulty appeal like the big brother versions until you beat the game first. Everything except for dodge is stylus controlled, every button is pretty much dodge. Ninja Gaiden is played in the sideways book-style, which will be a first for me. I haven't yet tried a game in the book-style.

As for PC Gaming wise I've become quite out of the loop. I haven't been keeping up with my PC Gamer subscription or podcasts, and I haven't been playing many games. A tad of Team Fortress 2 is just about all that there's been the past month. My new DS Lite had taken over my life for a brief period of time, the main games being Pokemon Pearl, Nanostray, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings, and Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime. All great games in my opinion, although Nanostray is a bit short in my opinion.

That said, Starcraft 2 is still THE game I'm looking out for at the moment. The lack of more awesome announcements of the game is making me feel like I'm waiting for a health pack to spawn with only 1 hp, "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE ENDS MY KILLING STREAK!" or I guess it should be more along the lines of "GODDAMIT RESPAWN BEFORE SOMEONE CONTINUES MY DEATH STREAK!"

That's enough for now. I've got to get back to working and getting these projects done before deadline.


Hi Ding! said...

so gamespot reviewed it already and gave it 9.5. They gave the original a 7.5 and melee 8.9. weird huh.

Anonymous said...

The original got a 7.5? O.O

Gamespot fails.