Saturday, December 8, 2007

Work is a bitch.

So I've been doing a lot of work recently, with projects and homeworks getting stacked up, all of which are due on Monday or Tuesday. Then after this next week school, it's finals week for which I've got to actually study my ass off. All this work is a bitch, I don't think I've ever had to do this much work before. On top of that, I'm actually doing it all (or attempting to). God, makes me feel like some sort of college student or something, the atrocity!

I though I'd talk about some tv shows this time. The two shows I've been following are Heroes and Chuck, the latter of which I have yet to see the season finale. Both I love, although I agree with most in that the second volume of Heroes did not deliver as well as the first. Some episodes definitely gave you that "OH SHIT NO WAY" feeling, I know my roommate looked at me funny when I yelled out those exact words. I'm probably going to be spouting out spoilers here, so if you don't want anything ruined, stop here (just a tiny spoiler).

So Heroes was in its second season, after a stellar showing in its first. It introduces some new characters, and brings back a lot of the old. I'm going to have to say that Elle is one of my more favorite new characters. Not only is she sinisterly innocent, but I've always like Kristen Bell (kekeke fanboy alert). Of course you have to keep in mind that the whole Writer's Guild strike caused pretty much every show to end early, so plots got a little messed up if they wanted to try to wrap the show up before production went completely on halt. The ending for Heroes in particular wasn't that great, it left some plots too open, ending off with a huge cliffhanger and unsatisfying ending. Sure seeing the way Adam was taken care of was pretty awesome, but everything else: Nathan's assassination, Sylar's recovery, horn-rimmed glasses dude's future, Nikki's fate in the fire, etc; all those make me really want to watch more. The ending was just not completely satisfying. However, overall if you loved the first season of Heroes, watch this one. It's still a really good show, and hopefully it'll only get better in the next volume.

**end of Heroes spoilers**

Chuck is one of those new shows this season, and it's great. It's about a nerd gamer who works at a Buy More named Chuck, who basically is thrown into this whole super secret spy thing. It's really a interesting and good show, with maybe the first few episodes not so great, but it picks up and gets good. It also brings some good laughs and some references to video games =P.

Now while I was writing this blog, I went on IGN and watched the latest Video Preview of No More Heroes for the Wii. All I can say is holy shit I want to play this game REALLY bad. I suggest you all check out the video at IGN. That's all for now, and keep checking out our blog.


Anonymous said...

when i read that your post contained spoilers for the 2nd season of heroes i immediately stopped reading. so seeing that i didn't read about 3/4 of ur post i can't comment on much.

but i do agree. work is a bitch and so are exams.

ycat said...

JAVA IS NOT ANY EASIER... we like also touched base on a little java in my comp-sci class, and now we have that in the exam too... NOT EASY... mb i just suck at computer science...
anyways, i love chuck, sooo funny. though the show that had the most like anticipation was Pushing Daisies on abc... i didn't like it so much. you should also check out Reaper on cw, really like the concept.